Slacklining for Team-Building and Corporate Outings (Improve Workplace Relationships)

Is It Better To Slackline Barefoot Or With Shoes?

Slacklining is a fun and challenging activity that is gaining popularity all over the world. Not only is it a great way to stay active and improve your balance and coordination, but it’s also an excellent tool for building stronger relationships and improving teamwork in the workplace.

In this article, we’ll explore how slacklining can be used for team-building and corporate outings and how it can help improve workplace relationships.

What Makes a Good Team-Building and Corporate Outing?

Below we’ll discuss what makes a good team-building event and how slacklining fits the bill:

  1. Relevance to work and team goals: The outing should be relevant to the work and goals of the team, allowing participants to develop skills and improve relationships that will benefit the team in the workplace.

    Slacklining requires individual effort of course but you can also help and support one another why you’re on the line. As you’re getting started you can also physically support each other i.e. helping each other get on the line and keep your balance.
  2. Inclusiveness: The outing should be designed to be inclusive and accessible to all team members, regardless of skill level or experience.

    Slacklining takes practice and chances are there may be no one in your group that has done it before. If you’re all starting out, you’re all in the same boat and can work together as you progress.
  3. Fun and engaging: The outing should be enjoyable and engaging for all participants, allowing them to take a break from work and have fun with their colleagues.

    Part of the fun with slacklining is the challenge of actually standing on the line and keeping your balance. You can start by seeing who can get on the line and keep their balance the longest, and things of that nature.
  4. Encouragement of teamwork and communication: The outing should encourage teamwork and communication among team members, helping to build stronger relationships and improve workplace dynamics.

    Slacklining often requires team members to work together to set up the slackline, helping to build collaboration and teamwork skills. You can also encourage and help one another climb on the line and stay there. Slacklining requires concentration and active listening, as participants must listen to each other’s instructions and feedback to succeed.
  5. Clear objectives and outcomes: The objectives and outcomes of the outing should be clear and well-defined, allowing participants to understand what they are working towards and how their efforts will benefit the team.

    The goal of slacklining is to traverse the slackline from beginning to end. You can make it an individual event or divide into teams and see which one can get the most people to the end of the slackline without falling off.
  6. Safety: The outing should be safe and secure, with appropriate safety measures in place to protect participants.

    Slacklines are set up close to the ground and even if you lose your balance, you’re only “falling” a very short distance. If you’re especially concerned, pay for a professional slackline coach or teacher to help out and consider doing the event at a slacklining location such as indoor rock climbing center.
  7. Effective planning and preparation: The outing should be well-planned and prepared, with clear instructions, equipment, and support available to participants.

    Slacklining doesn’t require much equipment and if you prefer, you can go somewhere where slacklining is offered such as an indoor rock climbing center that offers instruction and supervision.
  8. Good balance between work and play: The outing should provide a good balance between work-related activities and leisure, allowing participants to have fun and relax while also developing valuable skills and relationships.

    Slacklining can be a fun and competitive activity, helping to foster positive competition and build stronger relationships between team members. You can really learn a lot about one another with something like slacklining in terms of supporting one another and being there for your team.
  9. Opportunities for reflection and feedback: The outing should provide opportunities for participants to reflect on their experiences and provide feedback, allowing the team to continuously improve and build stronger relationships.

    Slacklining requires a certain level of trust between participants, as they work together to support each other on the slackline. This helps to build trust and strong relationships between team members.

Overall, a good team-building and corporate outing should be enjoyable, engaging, and beneficial to the team, helping to improve workplace relationships and build stronger, more effective teams.

How to Incorporate Slacklining into Your Team-Building or Corporate Outing

If you’re interested in using slacklining for team-building or corporate outings, there are a few steps you can take to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience for all participants:

  1. Choose the right location: Find a safe and suitable location for your slacklining activity, such as a park or open space with enough room for the slackline and plenty of room for participants to move around. Looking for a local slacklining location? Check here.
  2. Get the right equipment: You’ll need a slackline, anchor points, and any other safety equipment required for your specific location. Make sure to choose a slackline that is appropriate for the skill level of your participants.
  3. Plan the activity: Make sure to plan the activity in advance, including setting up the slackline, providing any necessary safety equipment, and having someone on hand to provide guidance and support to participants. As mentioned, you can alternatively pay for a local slacklining set up.
  4. Encourage participation: Encourage all team members to participate, regardless of their experience or skill level. Slacklining is a fun and inclusive activity that is suitable for people of all ages and abilities.


Slacklining is an excellent tool for team-building and improving workplace relationships. By providing a fun and challenging experience that requires teamwork, communication, and trust, slacklining can help build stronger teams and improve relationships in the workplace. Whether you’re planning a corporate outing or just looking for a fun activity to enjoy with your coworkers, slacklining is a great option to consider.

Slacklining requires a great deal of focus, balance, and coordination, which are all key elements of good teamwork. When working together to set up and complete a slackline, team members must communicate effectively, trust each other, and work together to solve problems and overcome obstacles. These skills are essential for improving workplace relationships and building stronger teams.

In addition to building teamwork skills, slacklining also provides a fun and enjoyable experience for participants. Taking a break from the office and getting outside to try something new can help reduce stress, boost morale, and improve relationships among team members.

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